Faith Formation


For information about Faith Formation, sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, and other youth-related questions, please contact Tanya at 701-839-6834 or email her or send us a message through our Facebook page. 

You may still register for 2024-2025 Faith Formation classes and Youth activities!

Our Lady of Grace offers classes and activities for children and youth age 3 through high school, and registrations are accepted throughout the year.  Classes, as well as preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (grade 2 and up) and Confirmation (grade 9 and up), begin in September, so participation in sacramental preparation will need to be postponed until the next fall for those registering after November.  Registration forms for the 2024-2025 school year are available online here.

You may pay for your Faith Formation tuition at this link


Weather Cancellations Policy
With the ever-changing weather in North Dakota, you might wonder if classes may be cancelled due to weather.  Click here to read our policy.  Parents, if you are concerned about the weather and your child's safety, feel free to keep your child home from class.  If the absence will affect your child's record of perfect attendance, please contact the Faith Formation office to see if the class day will be included in the attendance record.
Faith Formation Etiquette

To help us show our love for Jesus and each other during our Faith Formation classes, we have developed a list of etiquette expectations for our time together at Faith Formation.  We will go over them with the children at the beginning of the year and repeat them occasionally as needed.  We are grateful to our Faith Formation parents for their support as we work to ensure our actions show our love.  You will find the Etiquette expectations here.


Faith Formation/Confirmation/Youth Calendars for 2024-2025 year

REVISED 1.2.2025 Sunday 9:20 a.m. Preschool-Grade 5 Faith Formation Calendar

REVISED 1.2.2025 - Wednesday 4:00 & 5:30 p.m. Kindergarten-gr. 5 Faith Formation Calendar

Faith Formation Etiquette

Sacramental Preparation (Reconciliation/Eucharist) Calendar for Bishop Ryan students

REVISED 1.2.2025 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Grades 6-8 Faith Formation Calendar

Middle School Youth Group Calendar - see also our Middle School Youth Group page

Confirmation Class Calendar (revised 9.19.2024) - see also our Confirmation page

Teen Catholic and Teen Chosen Bible Study Calendar - see also our Teen Catholic page


Will you volunteer?

If you wish to volunteer as a Teacher/Catechist, Aide, Hall Monitor, Youth Minister, etc., for the 2024-2025 school year of Faith Formation, please complete the volunteer section of the Faith Formation registration form or contact Tanya in the Faith Formation office at 701-839-6834 or email her.


Faith Formation Volunteer training and background check forms

All volunteers who work with children and youth must be trained by reading the Diocese of Bismarck Code of Conduct and then must submit a signed Acknowledgement Form. In addition, all volunteers over age 18 must allow for a background check to be requested. 

You will find the information and forms on the diocesan website at these links:

- Diocese of Bismarck Code of Conduct (please read this)
- Acknowledgement Form (please sign and return this to the parish or Faith Formation office)
If you are age 18:  - Background Check Release Form (please complete and return this to the parish or Faith Formation office)

Thank you for your commitment to the children of our parish.

Prayers and Teachings

Looking for something to do to build your child's faith knowledge  Work with them on memorizing these Prayers and Teachings of the Catholic Church at home.  They can recite them at the Prayer Station to earn a prayer card, another prize, or to help raise money for the poor.  Here's a link to the Prayers & Teachings Sheet for the current year.

Has it been a while since you went to confession? Here is a guide.

The Church recommends that we confess our sins to a priest through the sacrament of reconciliation at least once per month.  For many of us, the length between confessions might be much longer and we might worry that we forgot "how" to go to confession.  A priest will help you know what to say, but if you'd like a written guide, consider printing one of these and bringing it with you.  

 First Reconciliation Format and examination of conscience questions

Child's Reconciliation Format and examination of conscience questions

Teenager's Reconciliation Format and examination of conscience questions

Adult's Reconciliation Format and examination of conscience questions